Saturday, January 3, 2009

If I was a book, which one would I be?

Notes from the Underground author, Steve Hayes, posted a link to a book quiz at the Blue Pyramid. Answer a few questions and it sizes you up and spits out a book that is most like you. According to this quiz, if I were a book I would be:

You're Cry, the Beloved Country!

by Alan Paton

Life is exceedingly difficult right now, especially when you put more
miles between yourself and your hometown. But with all sorts of personal and profound
convictions, you are able to keep a level head and still try to help folks, no matter
how much they harm you. You walk through a land of natural beauty and daily horror. In
the end, far too much is a matter of black and white.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this depiction, but I am what I am! :) Go and do the quiz for yourself and then come back and let me know what it said about you! Oh, there are also some more quizzes that you can take as well that when completed will give you other glimpses into your personality. If only it were this easy to figure our own selves out!

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